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ESSAY COMPETITION - The Social Impact of Computer Vision
Deadline for submission is: 15 June 2015

This essay competition reflects the importance of considering the “real world” social impact of technology alongside the fundamental goals of basic R&D. Computer Vision is an area of scientific and technological development that will continue to have a profound impact on society. It will redefine the way in which information technology intersects and interfaces with medicine and other disciplines, it will play a key role in the care of an ageing population and it is already a fundamental aspect of modern security technology.

Participants in the competition may write a piece of original work on the topic reported below. There are no style guidelines, or “correct answers”. You may reference any sources you wish (from any field of thought / endeavor). You may contextualize the discussion to your specific area of investigation and research interest. It is however requested that the discussion be scientific and grounded on current technological and research achievements, e.g. start-ups, patents, publications. There is a strict word limit of 1,500 words, excluding citations and footnotes. Through an entirely subjective, qualitative and irreproducible selection process, two successful essayists will have their €500 attendance fees at the ICVSS 2015 reimbursed. The essay competition prize is sponsored by Microsoft and GIRPR. The winner of the competition will have the opportunity to be interviewed for an article of newsletter IAPR.

Submissions should be sent in PDF or Word format to icvss@dmi.unict.it. Your name, email address and university/ organization should be written at the top of your essay. Deadline for submission is 15 June 2015. The winner of the competition will be announced on 17 July 2015. The essays will be shared with fellow summer school attendees.

Essay Topic:
Additional sensors and multi-modal computing for assistive computer vision.

All reports submitted for the essay competition will be accessible on 18 July 2015.

The prizes were assigned to:
Grace Lindsay, Columbia University, New York, USA
Joachim Dehais, University of Bern, Switzerland

Miguel Angel, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Vittorio Cuculo, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Joachum Dehais, University of Bern, Switzerland

Rémi Giraud, University of Bordeaux, France

André-Marcel Hellmund, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Alejandro Hernández-García, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Saumya Jetley, University of Oxford, England

Grace Lindsay, Columbia University, USA

Alessandro Manzi, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy

Federico Pala, University of Cagliari, Italy

Alejandro Perez-Yus, University of Zaragoza, Spain

Marco Piccirilli, West Virginia University, USA

Michele Svanera, University of Brescia, Italy

For more information, send an email to: icvss@dmi.unict.it