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ICVSS Computer Vision for Spatial and Physical Intelligence
More information coming soon.


The school will be open to about 100 qualified, motivated and pre-selected candidates.

Master Students, Ph. D. students, Post-Docs, young researchers (both academic and industrial), senior researchers (both academic and industrial) or academic/industrial professionals are encouraged to apply (a confirmation email will be sent to you). Each student is strongly encouraged to submit also a reference letter (Reference letter Module) by email (icvss@dmi.unict.it) to the attention of Prof. Giovanni Maria Farinella.

The expected school fee will be in the order of €575 for Master and Phd students granted by academia, €800 for other academic positions and €1000 for all the others. The fee will include all course materials, coffee breaks, bus service from Catania Airport to School Location and viceversa, WiFi Internet Connection, a guided tour, a social dinner, a party on the beach, a folkloristic exhibition and bus service from School Location to Catania, Siracusa and Taormina at the end of the school.

Applications to attend ICVSS 2025 should be received before 31 March 2025. Applicants will receive notification of acceptance by 15 April 2025.

Late registration can be done with an extra payment of €175.


Deadline: 31 March 2025, GMT +1, 23:59
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender: Male Female
Country Of Origin (Nationality):
Institution Address:
Postal Code:
Phone (please add int. code):
Upload CV:
Type of Application:
(Expected) Bachelor graduation:
(Expected) Master graduation:
(Expected) Ph.D. graduation:
Current Ph.D. year:
First Name of Supervisor:
Last Name of Supervisor:
E-Mail of Supervisor:
Do you want that the industrial sponsors know about you?: Yes No

(if you will mark "yes", the ICVSS sponsors will be able to know about you participation and they will have the chance to direct contact and meet you during the ICVSS to talk with you and show opportunities)

(all red data are required for application procedure!)